список персонажейшаблон анкеты
Action 1: "Show must go on, canon!"
Action 2: "Death Eaters & Order of the Phoenix!" •

*картинка кликабельна
The illusion of life is that you think you're safe
without the Lord and His saving grace
While you think you've got safety and peace
Your lifes suddenly over no more mercy
Hell awaits you, it's too late.

В течение 3 дней проходит суперакция - любой канон БЕЗ АНКЕТЫ! Только пробный пост!! Торопитесь!

[quote][align=center]• [url=http://illusionoflife.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=2#p2]список персонажей[/url] • [url=http://illusionoflife.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=3#p3]шаблон анкеты[/url] • 
•[url=http://illusionoflife.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=141#p1539]Action 1: "Show must go on, canon!"[/url] •
•[url=http://illusionoflife.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=152#p1942]Action 2: "Death Eaters & Order of the Phoenix!" •[/url] •

[size=10]*картинка кликабельна[/size][/align]
[align=right]The illusion of life is that you think you're safe
without the Lord and His saving grace
While you think you've got safety and peace
Your lifes suddenly over no more mercy
Hell awaits you, it's too late.[/align]
[quote][align=center][size=16][color=red][b]ВНИМАНИЕ!!! ACHTUNG!!! ATTENTION!!![/b][/color][/size]
В течение 3 дней проходит суперакция - любой канон БЕЗ АНКЕТЫ! Только пробный пост!! Торопитесь![/align][/quote]